
Copying server data from the command-line, safely

·11 min read

All of times I've found myself in a situation where I need to get a little bit of data on to or off of a server somewhere. Copy & paste works in some cases but not always. Another option is a service like Pastebin but it's not cool for sensitive info like config files because even though you can easily forget to delete them when you're done.

That's where a one-time secret comes in: a long, unique URI that only works once.


Our "official" tool is written in Ruby and available via

$ sudo gem install onetime

You can also get it directly from the github repo.

Storing a message

You can create a secret by piping data from another command:

$ history | onetime

Directly from a file:

$ </etc/nginx/nginx.conf onetime

Or by pasting or typing the content in at the prompt:

$ onetime
Paste message here (hit control-D to continue):
Your password is: Two-spots-higher-622

Retrieving a message

$ onetime get rvbkyzn6nylcjcaimot23oehja7zwuv
Your password is: Two-spots-higher-622

Or simply go to the URI and copy the message from there.

Advanced options

Beyond the basic usage, there are some other features that might interest you as well.

Include a passphrase

For very sensitive data you will want to include a passphrase so that even if someone finds the secret link while it's still available, the won't be able to see the message unless they know the passphrase. We include the passphrase in the encryption key which guarantees that only you or the recipient can view the content.

$ onetime generate -p 1234567890

When the secret is retrieved, the passphrase must be identical.

$ onetime get -p bogus 2x7z9i5p4cg9mig890b7esqmv31d7hd
Unknown secret
$ onetime get -p 1234567890 2x7z9i5p4cg9mig890b7esqmv31d7hd

If you sign up for an account, you can also email the secret link directly to the recipient. You need to set two environment variables to tell onetime what account to use.

$ export ONETIME_CUSTID=example@onetimesecret
$ onetime status
# Host:
# Account:
Service Status: nominal

Then you can send emails directly from the command-line:

$ who | onetime -r
# Secret link sent to: d******

If you want to use this feature regularly, you'll want to set the ONETIME_CUSTID and ONETIME_APIKEY environment variables in your ~/.bashrc file.

Output to json or yaml

You can specify a format using the -f option, like so:

$ last | onetime -f yaml
custid: anon
metadata_key: g4blscedwb8hyxklzvb3q0m3jbbzhir
secret_key: hgar2i4s90kuflwfwr8nep7obng7t3
ttl: 604800
metadata_ttl: 604800
secret_ttl: 604800
state: new
updated: 1360704091
created: 1360704091
recipient: []
passphrase_required: false

Use One-time Secret in your projects

If you want to use one-time secrets in your app or implement a tool in another language, check out the API.

If you have any questions or feature requests, let me know.