
New API client library: Perl

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We now have a perl client library for our API thanks to Kyle Dawkins. The code is available on Github and CPAN. Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Net::OneTimeSecret;

# Note: replace these with yours in order for this to work!
my $customerId  = '';
my $testApiKey  = '4dc74a03fwr9aya5qur5wa8vavo4gih1hasj6181';

my $api = Net::OneTimeSecret->new( $customerId, $testApiKey );
my $result = $api->shareSecret( 'Jazz, jazz and more jazz.',
                   passphrase => 'thepassword',
                   recipient => '',
                   ttl => 7200,
printf( "%s\n", $result->{secret_key} );

my $secret = $api->retrieveSecret( $result->{secret_key}, passphrase => "thepassword" );
printf( "%s\n", $secret->{value} );

If you implement a client library in another language, let us know and we'll post about it here.